Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This I Believe Response: We Need a Revolution by Carol Besse

I chose this article because I too believe we need a revolution. In fact I have written papers similar to this essay. When people think of revolution they think of them as unlawful or wrong, a mindset like that is wrong. Thomas Jefferson once said “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” I like to believe that our country is in a draught, with topics such as the environment or the education system (the two points in Ms. Besse’s article) drying us out even more. Every politician clams to have a key to a well but with every election the cracks in the dirt stretch further. However there is always a quiet before the storm, and we have been quiet for far too long; the storm of our peoples revolution can be seen on the horizon. Its thunder is felt in the distance, but like Ms. Besse said it might take quite a bit longer before we feel any rain. She says that a revolution is painful. She says there is not a revolution now because we do not feel enough pain yet but if we do not feel pain now we eventually will; be it at the pump, at the doctors, or at the grocery.

I liked the format of her article as well. She began with her background which opens up what she is going to talk about in the article. She then speaks of what she expects us to do, and why she thinks we should do it. She finishes off with why she would revolt. I like the format because the essay showed us her background, what we should be doing, and why she would be with us revolting. Her background also shows the reader what her generation would have been doing had they been facing the hardships we face today.

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