Monday, October 8, 2012

Rough Draft for This I Believe Speech (Not Complete...Subject to Major Change)


If we lived in my perfect world I would assume that everyone is familiar with Schrödinger, but seeing as we do not I will try to explain.  Schrödinger’s cat is a Gedanken thought experiment (an experiment that can be thought about but never actually tested, only supported).  The point of Schrödinger’s experiment was to show how silly Quantum Physics is (it also is a pretty effective way of explain wave particle theory). The experiment goes like this; you put a cat in a box with a radioactive substance and I Geiger counter hooked up to a hammer that is hanging over poison. The cat is alive (or both alive and dead depending on what version you hear) when you put it in the box and you leave it in there for an hour. At the end of the hour the cat is either alive or dead because the Geiger counter either goes of releasing the poison or not. The point however is that for that hour you have no idea if the cat is alive or dead, so technically it exists in a state where it is simultaneously both alive and dead. However when you open the box our observation of what we see becomes entangled with what actually happened, essentially what we observe forces reality to settle on one of the two options. Now what causes reality to settle our reality if it even is settled is one of the biggest debates in Quantum Physics today.

Now me being the nerd that I am started to think about how a theory like that could apply to Facebook. Here is what I came up with. People have very large personalities with a lot of different aspects of their personalities, similar to the possibilities of the cat living or dying. When we are in public with people no one personality becomes the prominent personality (one may be more obvious but not by too much), like the cat in the box it is the sum of all the possibilities. However Facebook is where we only make one of our many traits visible to everyone, so Facebook is what forces reality to settle on one of our traits. The poison and the system which sets it off is any factor that contributes us to have the traits we want to be seen on our Facebook.

In the end I believe that

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