Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Videogames and Art

Videogames to an extent can be art. In the first article what was talked about was a “rock” stage. This rock stage was where the magic happened and where every other thing was shut out, so what is important could be focused on and turned into something amazing. This I believe is when videogames are art, it is when there are no people playing the game and you can just marvel at what was created for us. This is not true for any video game; games like “WACO” and “Grand Theft Auto” are not. Those games do not have any purpose, argue all you want about how they are expressions of what people feel but explain to me how the senseless murder and other bad things are art. If you were to say those are killing games so all killing games are bad you would be wrong, other games involving killing have purposes, reasons, and motives. When some video games are being created it is about the game and what the creators are trying to produce for the public. Most games up to this point should be considered art. When you add the players into the mix, you see that video games as art disappears. We play games and manipulate what was created and destroy the world that was painstakingly planned out and created. What is done in video games is not art and those who create the games know this, why else would after everything we do in videogames it all resets. Nothing is every permanently ruined in videogames, so what was created can be restored and brought back to its former beauty. Lastly there are videogames that are purely for destruction and have no purpose. Like the games I mentioned earlier and others like them. I would argue till the gas is turned off to anyone who believes games like those are art. As far as I am concerned people who think that those games are art more than likely believe that Christ’s image burnt on toast belongs next to the Mona Lisa.


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