After watching the documentary “Dark Days” the one
thing that captured me the most was how there was no narration throughout the
whole video. No narrating made the whole documentary come off as one very long
recording of these people’s lives. I think I liked it so much because it was
the absolute bare minimum of what a documentary could be. There was no (noticeable)
outside opinion shaping what the documentary was supposed to mean. What you got
from it was what you got from it not what someone else wanted you to. One of
the other things that captured my attention was the choice for black and white.
I thought at first it was to show how bad their lives were living in the
tunnels, but it did not make sense because at the end when they got the section
8 housing it was still black and white. I think the choice to have black and
white was to strip the video again of anything but the story. It gave no
specific directions on where your thoughts were supposed to go, just a
direction towards the point of the whole thing. So if you look at the entire
video the bareness of it actually drew you towards a very broad topic which is
different from every documentary we have watched so far. Though the topic was
broad it was not vague and actually very powerful. The bareness actually helped
to make every person look exactly like one of us, except not living in a
subway, it made them human which in turn made the graveness of their situation
slap me in the face.
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