Sunday, October 14, 2012

Music Video Analysis

I chose to analyze Mastodon’s song “Oblivion”. It is a song about the things in life that attract you the most can sometimes be the worst thing for you. The video itself has the members of the band out in space at a space station. The go out one by one and while they are out there they are memorized by some unknown force that convinces them to take off their helmets, killing themselves the moment they do. The part that really gets me is the members are scared to go out because they know nothing good is out there. Even though they know it is bad for them they still go outside and get tricked. The words of the song like most mastodon songs are pretty crazy and cryptic but they can be easily understood if you listen for instance “I flew beyond the sun before it was time, burning all the gold that held me inside my shell” is like if you do something before you’re ready and it ends up hurting you in more ways than you thought. Then “The eyes of a child see no wrong, ignorant bliss, impending doom” says that we do childish things that we know will hurt us and for a moment we are happy but we won’t be for very long at all. The music is cool because there are three different parts for each verse and those parts are each sung by a different member of the band. For each part the rhythm and intensity of the music changes, now it is Mastodon that we are talking about so it is still heavy metal but you can still since the change in every part. Also, it is not the heavy metal you’re used to. It is almost like a heavier version of Pink Floyd, all the intense strong meaning with heavier music

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