After watching the documentary “Dark Days” the one
thing that captured me the most was how there was no narration throughout the
whole video. No narrating made the whole documentary come off as one very long
recording of these people’s lives. I think I liked it so much because it was
the absolute bare minimum of what a documentary could be. There was no (noticeable)
outside opinion shaping what the documentary was supposed to mean. What you got
from it was what you got from it not what someone else wanted you to. One of
the other things that captured my attention was the choice for black and white.
I thought at first it was to show how bad their lives were living in the
tunnels, but it did not make sense because at the end when they got the section
8 housing it was still black and white. I think the choice to have black and
white was to strip the video again of anything but the story. It gave no
specific directions on where your thoughts were supposed to go, just a
direction towards the point of the whole thing. So if you look at the entire
video the bareness of it actually drew you towards a very broad topic which is
different from every documentary we have watched so far. Though the topic was
broad it was not vague and actually very powerful. The bareness actually helped
to make every person look exactly like one of us, except not living in a
subway, it made them human which in turn made the graveness of their situation
slap me in the face.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Videogames and Art
Videogames to an extent can be art. In the first article
what was talked about was a “rock” stage. This rock stage was where the magic
happened and where every other thing was shut out, so what is important could
be focused on and turned into something amazing. This I believe is when
videogames are art, it is when there are no people playing the game and you can
just marvel at what was created for us. This is not true for any video game;
games like “WACO” and “Grand Theft Auto” are not. Those games do not have any
purpose, argue all you want about how they are expressions of what people feel
but explain to me how the senseless murder and other bad things are art. If you
were to say those are killing games so all killing games are bad you would be
wrong, other games involving killing have purposes, reasons, and motives. When
some video games are being created it is about the game and what the creators
are trying to produce for the public. Most games up to this point should be
considered art. When you add the players into the mix, you see that video games
as art disappears. We play games and manipulate what was created and destroy
the world that was painstakingly planned out and created. What is done in video
games is not art and those who create the games know this, why else would after
everything we do in videogames it all resets. Nothing is every permanently
ruined in videogames, so what was created can be restored and brought back to
its former beauty. Lastly there are videogames that are purely for destruction
and have no purpose. Like the games I mentioned earlier and others like them. I
would argue till the gas is turned off to anyone who believes games like those
are art. As far as I am concerned people who think that those games are art
more than likely believe that Christ’s image burnt on toast belongs next to the
Mona Lisa.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Pictures for Video
This would be the first picture, because in the first sentence it talks about what i do when i first log onto facebook
This picture would come up because i talk about how i am a rugby player.
I picked this one as the picture showing my party side....because its the only one that would be
This picture of my cat will for the purpose of the video be Schrodinger's cat......
The songs will go in this order: Gyorgy Ligeti - Requiem, Clint Mansell - Requiem For A Dream, And only the crescendo at the end of Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture for the conclusion.
I also plan on using paint or text boxes on youtubes editor to help explain the relevence of each picture.
I will have the other six photos by tomorrow evening because contrary to what others may think it is surprisingly hard to take pictures that you can relate to a somewhat difficult quantum mechanical theory. If I could get any suggestions in class or as a comment I would be very grateful.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tracks for Essay (with explenations)
Gyorgy Ligeti - Requiem
Clint Mansell - Requiem For A Dream
Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture
I chose this song because my essay starts off as a
cautionary tale meant to cause despair and frighten people into becoming who
they really are and not who they want to be....and nothing says despair like a song
written by a holocaust survivor whose inspiration is the suffering he felt in Auschwitz.
Clint Mansell - Requiem For A Dream
I chose this song because it is just one of those songs that
can really build you up, in this case for my conclusion.
Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture
I chose this song because it is such an awesome song to end
anything, like in V for Vendetta.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Analysation of Screen Caps
This is when the tempting hallucinations start in the video.
Beforehand, one of the crew members noticed some gages that are spacing out.
For whatever reason he is temped into taking off his helmet causing
him to die, from the window you can see his crew mate panic.
The crew
notices that something is going on, and star freaking out.
They try to figure out what is going on here but to no
avail. This only causes more panic.
system warns them that something is going on, yet the still try to persevere
and fix it.
The system on the spaceship runs a program to select who
will be going out next to work in the mysterious void.
When the computer selects the next man for the job the
others force him to accept it and without much hesitation he accepts.
When he goes out in the void everything is going fine. Inevitably
the gages start freaking out again, and he begins to notice some strange
things. It is still too much for him however.
He takes
off his helmet and succumbs to his fate causing more panic inside the ship.
One of the last ship mates goes out and stares at the bodies;
he begins hallucinating like the others before him but the video ends before
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Music Video Analysis
I chose to analyze Mastodon’s song “Oblivion”. It is
a song about the things in life that attract you the most can sometimes be the
worst thing for you. The video itself has the members of the band out in space
at a space station. The go out one by one and while they are out there they are
memorized by some unknown force that convinces them to take off their helmets,
killing themselves the moment they do. The part that really gets me is the members
are scared to go out because they know nothing good is out there. Even though
they know it is bad for them they still go outside and get tricked. The words
of the song like most mastodon songs are pretty crazy and cryptic but they can
be easily understood if you listen for instance “I flew beyond the sun before
it was time, burning all the gold that held me inside my shell” is like if you
do something before you’re ready and it ends up hurting you in more ways than
you thought. Then “The eyes of a child see no wrong, ignorant bliss, impending
doom” says that we do childish things that we know will hurt us and for a
moment we are happy but we won’t be for very long at all. The music is cool
because there are three different parts for each verse and those parts are each
sung by a different member of the band. For each part the rhythm and intensity
of the music changes, now it is Mastodon that we are talking about so it is
still heavy metal but you can still since the change in every part. Also, it is
not the heavy metal you’re used to. It is almost like a heavier version of Pink
Floyd, all the intense strong meaning with heavier music
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Revised Draft of Talk
Explaination of Schrodinger's Cat
How do you use Facebook? If it is anything like the way I use
it you may be in trouble. So when I log on Facebook I update my status with something
goofy, I comment on the pictures from last weekend and I post something on the
wall for my pledge class. Those few things are just a fraction of the day. For most
of the day I am rushing between classes because I am a material engineering student
and meetings because I am captain of my fraternities dance blue team and I am service/philanthropy
chair. When I go back to my dorm people do not see me reading, doing homework,
or scheduling and planning events. This is a problem because we are only showing a part of our personality. It is not the real us. It is an even bigger problem when I apply for a job and my highlighted personality on Facebook makes me look like a bum.
I use Schrodinger’s Gedanken thought experiment to explain this thought because of how perfectly it is applied to us and Facebook, it also provides a simple solution. Getting on to the experiment, its
similarities to my point are pretty stunning. Essentially without Facebook we
are in the same super position as the cat in the bunker, we are a sum of all
possibilities (possibilities being moods, mindsets, etc.). What Facebook does
is opens the bunker and whatever personality traits we chose to put on our wall
become who we are as a whole; we are no longer the sum of our whole selves. This
is a bad thing, because now new “friends” see a contradictory Facebook page
from your personality and potential employers see someone who they do not want
to hire. Just like how we would see a cat that is alive with many traits if we
were on the inside of the bunker, but the bunker creates a narrow collapsed view
of a dead cat.
As if that was not worrying enough, according to the
experiment we cannot have a very diverse and deep personality while Facebook
takes and shows only the one shallow, cut down personality. It is like when the
cat is in the bunker and with all of the possibilities, and the outside
observation forces one outcome to become entangled with that cat. Hence, causing
reality to collapse on what we observe inside the open bunker. Taking this over
to Facebook, it is like having our diverse personality stuck in our bunker but
what we think the public want to see in the bunker becomes what traits of our
personality we chose to show. So this means that even though we have diverse
and deep personalities, the narrow personality that Facebook creates, is subconsciously
what we are trying to become. It means that even though I am a responsible,
smart, chair of philanthropy and service, and captain of a dance blue team; I am
secretly and subconsciously striving to become the wreck less, goofy, rugby
player on my Facebook.
The answer to this problem however, is pretty simple, do not
post just what others want to hear or see. Show all aspects of your personality
let Facebook be like a billboard showing everyone what a friend in your close
friend circle (what a person in the bunker would see). That would eliminate the
personality that is created by Facebook’s collapsing effect.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Rough Draft for This I Believe Speech (Not Complete...Subject to Major Change)
If we lived in my perfect world I would assume that everyone
is familiar with Schrödinger, but seeing as we do not I will try to
explain. Schrödinger’s cat is a Gedanken
thought experiment (an experiment that can be thought about but never actually
tested, only supported). The point of Schrödinger’s
experiment was to show how silly Quantum Physics is (it also is a pretty
effective way of explain wave particle theory). The experiment goes like this;
you put a cat in a box with a radioactive substance and I Geiger counter hooked
up to a hammer that is hanging over poison. The cat is alive (or both alive and
dead depending on what version you hear) when you put it in the box and you
leave it in there for an hour. At the end of the hour the cat is either alive
or dead because the Geiger counter either goes of releasing the poison or not. The
point however is that for that hour you have no idea if the cat is alive or
dead, so technically it exists in a state where it is simultaneously both alive
and dead. However when you open the box our observation of what we see becomes
entangled with what actually happened, essentially what we observe forces
reality to settle on one of the two options. Now what causes reality to settle
our reality if it even is settled is one of the biggest debates in Quantum Physics
Now me being the nerd that I am started to think about how a
theory like that could apply to Facebook. Here is what I came up with. People
have very large personalities with a lot of different aspects of their personalities,
similar to the possibilities of the cat living or dying. When we are in public
with people no one personality becomes the prominent personality (one may be
more obvious but not by too much), like the cat in the box it is the sum of all
the possibilities. However Facebook is where we only make one of our many
traits visible to everyone, so Facebook is what forces reality to settle on one
of our traits. The poison and the system which sets it off is any factor that
contributes us to have the traits we want to be seen on our Facebook.
In the end I believe that
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Serenity to Change the Things I Can by Mark Olmsted: Response
I did not like this essay because it did not speak to me and
it was not very well written, in my opinion. My first issue with the paper is
that it did not speak to me. I guess you cannot really call that an issue but
it bugged me. Mr. Olmsted is a recovering drug addict who has never liked
litter so he decided after his step into sobriety that he would start picking
up litter. He now picks up litter every day and says it helps him stay clean. That’s
a great story but I was never and never will be a drug addict and good for Mr.
Olmsted but if I picked up trash on my dog walking route in Chicago, I would
need four bags to do the area in front of my house. The style and format of the essay is not very
well written, in my opinion, because it felt more jumpy then what I think he
was trying to do. He would jump between how what he does changes his life and
what he is actually doing. It is by no means a bad essay just not my cup of
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
This I Believe Response: We Need a Revolution by Carol Besse
I chose this article because I too believe we need a
revolution. In fact I have written papers similar to this essay. When people
think of revolution they think of them as unlawful or wrong, a mindset like
that is wrong. Thomas Jefferson once said “A little rebellion now and then is a
good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” I
like to believe that our country is in a draught, with topics such as the environment
or the education system (the two points in Ms. Besse’s article) drying us out
even more. Every politician clams to have a key to a well but with every
election the cracks in the dirt stretch further. However there is always a
quiet before the storm, and we have been quiet for far too long; the storm of
our peoples revolution can be seen on the horizon. Its thunder is felt in the
distance, but like Ms. Besse said it might take quite a bit longer before we
feel any rain. She says that a revolution is painful. She says there is not a
revolution now because we do not feel enough pain yet but if we do not feel
pain now we eventually will; be it at the pump, at the doctors, or at the
I liked the format of her article as well. She began with
her background which opens up what she is going to talk about in the article. She
then speaks of what she expects us to do, and why she thinks we should do it. She
finishes off with why she would revolt. I like the format because the essay
showed us her background, what we should be doing, and why she would be with us
revolting. Her background also shows the reader what her generation would have
been doing had they been facing the hardships we face today.
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