Thursday, August 30, 2012

Web Comic Responce (WARNING: It was late and I was tired.)

We are a culture that has been kept captivated by our owntrivialness, in other words Huxley and Orwell are both right. We are captivatedso much by the nonsense that everything becomes trivial but maybe not to theextent that is suggested by the comic. If you were to look at the world todayyou would see a culture, extremely aware of what’s going on in the world. Youwould certainly not see a culture where the government is hiding anything.However, what if the over awareness of what is going on in the world is wherethe government hides its secrets. The media is constantly shoving what’s goingon in the world down our throats. The best example of this is the"Internet Censorship Bill"; it was an outrageous bill and was almost immediatelyrejected because of how idiotic it was. Little people though remember that, atthe same time that bill was being blown up on the media and talked about byeveryone, a similar bill was being PASSED in congress making it legal forAmerican citizens to be detained without a trial or due process. If you are nota little nervous now than I do not want to know what does make you nervous. Ourgovernment passed a MUCH worse bill under our nose, because they knew thatpassing a bill about our precious internet would start the perfect storm in ourmedia for them to slip it by. When you think about the government from now ondo not for one second think that our government is honest, but they are smart.How else could they figure that our lives, filled with a vast over flow ofstuff, would be the perfect thing to exploit? It is sad really that so many canbe fooled in such a simple way, I cannot say that it surprises me. Looking athuman nature you see we tend to over-react and have other things pass us by inthe confusion. I do not really know how to end this post, I thought I was awareof how stupid and shallow society was before but this is a new low. I meanAmerica the great is being ruled by the few, while so many become more trivialand more captivated that they allow it. Obviously the few are selfish andcontributing to the downfall of society as well, but their lives are so muchbetter then everyone else’s. Maybe it would be smarter for me to stop trying toenlighten others and instead join the few and live selfishly. It's like KarlMarx said "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, youruin a wonderful business opportunity", and if our society is content withnot learning how to fish then I will be happy with my successful business.

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