Thursday, August 30, 2012

Web Comic Responce (WARNING: It was late and I was tired.)

We are a culture that has been kept captivated by our owntrivialness, in other words Huxley and Orwell are both right. We are captivatedso much by the nonsense that everything becomes trivial but maybe not to theextent that is suggested by the comic. If you were to look at the world todayyou would see a culture, extremely aware of what’s going on in the world. Youwould certainly not see a culture where the government is hiding anything.However, what if the over awareness of what is going on in the world is wherethe government hides its secrets. The media is constantly shoving what’s goingon in the world down our throats. The best example of this is the"Internet Censorship Bill"; it was an outrageous bill and was almost immediatelyrejected because of how idiotic it was. Little people though remember that, atthe same time that bill was being blown up on the media and talked about byeveryone, a similar bill was being PASSED in congress making it legal forAmerican citizens to be detained without a trial or due process. If you are nota little nervous now than I do not want to know what does make you nervous. Ourgovernment passed a MUCH worse bill under our nose, because they knew thatpassing a bill about our precious internet would start the perfect storm in ourmedia for them to slip it by. When you think about the government from now ondo not for one second think that our government is honest, but they are smart.How else could they figure that our lives, filled with a vast over flow ofstuff, would be the perfect thing to exploit? It is sad really that so many canbe fooled in such a simple way, I cannot say that it surprises me. Looking athuman nature you see we tend to over-react and have other things pass us by inthe confusion. I do not really know how to end this post, I thought I was awareof how stupid and shallow society was before but this is a new low. I meanAmerica the great is being ruled by the few, while so many become more trivialand more captivated that they allow it. Obviously the few are selfish andcontributing to the downfall of society as well, but their lives are so muchbetter then everyone else’s. Maybe it would be smarter for me to stop trying toenlighten others and instead join the few and live selfishly. It's like KarlMarx said "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, youruin a wonderful business opportunity", and if our society is content withnot learning how to fish then I will be happy with my successful business.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This Honey Child is a Real Boo-Boo: Response

I could not agree more with Mitch Albom. Honey Boo-Boo Childand shows like it are horrible shows. In Honey Boo-Boo alone, you have a mothernot saving any money for college, a pregnant teenage sister, an extremelyun-healthy lifestyle and an exploited six year old. Any one of those alone isworthy enough for a spot on Dr. Phil's couch, but together it is two millionpeople's "guilty pleasure". While reading the article I could notgrasp how every week people could watch such a show; how two million people canjust sit back and watch the epitome of everything a human should not be. I didmy own research and I found a video where Dr. Drew tastes Honey Boo-Boo's"Go-Go Juice", he began sweating and his mouth started swelling as hecalled for a commercial break. He told the audience that he could not focus andhe was shaking uncontrollably. A grown man almost had a seizer from taking asip of this drink and Honey Boo-Boo's mother is giving it too he like there isno tomorrow. I saw clips of the show where Honey Boo-Boo's sister is getting anultrasound and she is only fifteen, MTV would not even put her on the air butthere she is. In multiple clips I’ve seen the cost of the pageants that wouldbelieve it or not cost up to twenty-five thousand dollars, and forget aboutcollege funds because the way Honey Boo-Boo's mom sees it is "My daughteris participating in a sport like basketball so why should I not spend money onmy child and save it, when all other parents can spend money on their child’ssports". Of course Honey Boo-Boo loves going to pageants (Honey Boo-Boo's"sport"), what six year old girl doesn't like getting dressed up as aprincess, but she's six! She doesn't know what’s best for her (and apparentlyher Mom and Mom's boyfriend don’t know either). She's just a six year old beingexploited by her family to gain fame, and I do not know why child serviceshaven’t picked her up by now. It’s probably because, in the words of MitchAlbom, "We don't want to think, we want to be amused. We don't want totry, we want to feel superior. We don't want to correct people, we would rathermock them. We don't do, we watch." This couldn’t be truer, and what betterproof of this than Tony Scott's tragic death, no one tried to stop him.Everyone just watched and recorded it. I only hope, as I watch society jump toits own end, that enough people are recording the action. So one day, years after we are gone our future relatives can be able to watch first hand where we went wrong.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Writing Assignment for WRD 110

The Reality of Reality Television: How it impacts me andsociety

Reality T.V. is the modern day "opium of thepeople". We try to imitate the characters we see by dressing how theydress, talking how they talk, and even by dealing with personal issues how wethink they would. We look to Reality T.V. for answers and guidance. RealityT.V. even dictates how we feel and how we think or act. Why? Is it because wefind answers to the problems we face today in Reality T.V. or is it because weseek the exciting lives lived on Reality T.V. so we try to act the part? Ithink it is both. In today’s society most kids do not want to talk to theirparents about their problems, they rather go to Reality T.V. where they canrelate to people similar to them for answers. People today see the excitinglives of the people on Reality T.V. so we begin to see their behaviors imitatedon a huge scale causing a moral decline in today’s society. When people look toReality T.V. they see extremes that normally do not occur in everyday life thatis because the producers and directors of the show want it to be as interestingas possible. So when you apply what is seen on these shows to everyday life you’reessentially applying social extremes which over time become the norm and leadto further deterioration of our society. Take a look at "JerseyShore" for example, after the first season you could not go a day in theaverage high school without saying "she was so DTF" or "my onenight stand last night was a grenade". Before "Jersey Shore" Icould not even get my best friend to tell me what him and his girlfriend of twoyears did the other night and after I could get explicit details about lastnight from the guy sitting right next to me. Now Reality T.V. has never reallyimpacted me, I find it to be trashy but I’ve never judged anyone for liking itor even acting like some of the popular characters. Society on the other handis in Reality T.V.'s choke hold and there is no sign of it letting go. Societyseems to embrace Reality T.V. for its excitement and for its shock appeal.There is no benefit to Reality T.V. for me or society.